Free DKIM Record Checker & Lookup Tool

Powerful and user-friendly online checker tool designed to analyze and verify DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) records for any domain.

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DKIM Checker

DKIM Checker

The DKIM Checker is an essential online tool designed to validate and analyze DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) records of a domain. This tool is particularly useful for email administrators and IT professionals who aim to enhance the security and integrity of their email communications.
How DKIM Checker Works

How DKIM Checker Works

DKIM Checker extracts the DKIM record from a specified domain's DNS entries. Once retrieved, it examines the record for correctness and compliance with DKIM standards. The tool checks for key elements such as the version, the digital signature, the public key, and the policy flags, ensuring they are all properly set up.

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Checks the Presence of Your Published DKIM Record

By verifying DKIM records, the DKIM Checker plays a significant role in preventing email forgery and phishing attacks. It ensures that emails are not altered in transit, as the DKIM protocol uses cryptographic techniques to sign emails. A valid DKIM signature helps email servers authenticate the sending domain, greatly reducing the chances of emails being flagged as spam or fraud.

DKIM Checker Score

The DKIM Checker Score is a crucial metric provided by the DKIM Checker tool, offering a comprehensive evaluation of the integrity and configuration of a domain's DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) records.

This score is essentially a quantitative assessment that indicates how well a domain's email authentication setup aligns with best practices for DKIM standards.

DKIM Checker Score

Inbox Placement & DKIM

A well-implemented DKIM protocol plays a pivotal role in improving inbox placement rates. Emails authenticated with DKIM are less likely to be flagged as spam, increasing their chances of landing in the recipient's primary inbox. This is especially crucial in a business context, where the reliability of email communication can significantly impact customer engagement and trust.

However, setting up DKIM correctly is just as important as using it. Misconfigurations in DKIM setup can lead to authentication failures, causing legitimate emails to be mislabeled as spam or, worse, outright rejected. Regularly checking and optimizing your DKIM settings using DKIM Checker tools ensures that your emails maintain a high standard of authenticity and reliability.

Inbox Placement & DKIM

Analyzing DKIM Checker Results

Analyzing the results from a DKIM Checker involves a detailed examination of various technical aspects of a domain's DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) setup. This analysis is critical for ensuring that emails sent from the domain are properly authenticated and less likely to be marked as spam. Here's a breakdown of the key technical elements involved in analyzing DKIM Checker results:


DKIM Record Existence:

The first step is to confirm whether a DKIM record exists for the domain in question. The absence of a DKIM record is a fundamental issue, indicating that emails from the domain are not being authenticated using this method.

Record Syntax and Format:

DKIM records must adhere to a specific syntax. The analysis checks for correct formatting of the record, including the presence and proper configuration of tags like 'v=' (version), 'p=' (public key), and 's=' (service type).

Public Key Validity:

The public key within the DKIM record is examined to ensure it is valid and correctly formatted. This key is used by receiving email servers to decrypt the signature in the email header and authenticate the message.

Signature Verification:

The DKIM Checker verifies if the digital signature attached to emails by the sending server matches the public key in the DKIM record. This process is crucial for confirming the authenticity of the email.

Selector Inspection:

DKIM selectors are part of the domain's DNS records that point to the specific DKIM public key. The analysis includes verifying that the selector correctly references the appropriate public key.

Policy Evaluation:

The 't=' tag in the DKIM record, which represents various flags, is analyzed. These flags indicate specific policies, such as whether the domain is testing DKIM ('y'), and if email should be rejected if DKIM fails ('s').

Key Length and Strength:

The strength of the DKIM key, typically 1024 or 2048 bits, is assessed. A longer key length generally signifies stronger security, making it harder for attackers to forge signatures.

CNAME Records for Third-Party Senders:

For domains using third-party services to send emails, the presence and correct configuration of CNAME records pointing to these services' DKIM keys are checked.

SPF and DMARC Alignment:

The analysis may also include checking the alignment of DKIM with other email authentication methods like SPF and DMARC, ensuring a holistic approach to email security.

Error Identification and Resolution Advice:

Any errors or misconfigurations detected are highlighted, and the tool often provides advice or steps for resolving these issues.

By thoroughly analyzing these aspects, the DKIM Checker provides insights into the effectiveness of a domain's DKIM configuration. This is essential for ensuring that emails are authenticated properly, maintaining the integrity of email communication, and improving overall deliverability.

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