Category Email

Understanding Email Spam Laws and Ensuring Compliance

Understanding Email Spam Laws and Ensuring Compliance

With email marketing holding the palm in being surgically precise in delivering individuals directly what is needed, it is no surprise that companies consider it one of the most effective ways to communicate their brand messages to the target audience.…

A bar chart showing the number of people in each country.

How to Avoid Email Spam Traps

Do you know that 85% of all emails are spam? According to Symantec, almost 9 out of 10 emails are not legitimate to reach the recipient. Counting that over 22 billion emails are sent daily, this is quite a vast…

Track Your Email Success Essential Engagement Metrics

Track Your Email Success: Essential Engagement Metrics

In today’s world, where customers have the shortest attention span ever, email engagement has become critical for companies to stay afloat and move towards their goals. The more interested and involved the target audience is, the more a brand may…